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[Design – Creative Practice – Research]3

Celebrating AHRC-funded Centres for Doctoral Training

The legacy event celebrates the work of three Centres for Doctoral Training: LDoc, Design Star and 3D3. These three CDTs have offered a concentration of high-level skills and expertise in creative, critical and ethical thinking to prepare graduates, from creative and cultural industries, for the wider professional world. 

Included throughout the event, will be keynote speeches and presentations from researchers whose pioneering and visionary practices have determined future research agendas and engaged with urgent areas of enquiry including notions of authenticity, biodesign, co-design, critical design, data-driven design, design Innovation, ethics, ethnography, gender and material futures, socially responsive and inclusive design, sustainability, technology, UX/UI, wellbeing, amongst others.

Conference Chairs: Dr Carolina Ramirez-Figueroa, Natasha Mays & Dr Bjorn Sommer (Royal College of Art)

9 May

Present Futures: Virtual and Augmented Reality in Art