Throughout my academic career, I have been involved in a variety of modules, exposed to different pedagogical methods, and developed my skills as a teaching assistant, fellow, co-tutor, lead tutor and module leader. This experience has informed my pedagogical approach to design, oriented to providing students with a challenging yet trusting and nurturing environment. I believe that excellence is only achieved in an environment where students feel confident to explore and, to achieve this, I subscribe to a number of core principles and strategies inspired by critical and feminist pedagogies: a hands-on approach; finding and stimulating students’ interest; keeping different contact options open; and developing guidance strategies for weak students.
Through my experience in curriculum design and development, I’ve had the opportunity to explore the importance of a hands-on approach. I believe that a direct engagement with materials and technologies is crucial for students to be made aware of the complex ecologies involved in design—social, cultural, and economic. Also important is the ability of a tutor to identify and channel student’s interests. I believe that great design comes from designers who feel passionate about a subject. While the process of engaging with a subject is personal, it is the role of the tutor to help students see situations from different angles and identify those which might be more relevant to their personal background and approach. Connected to this is the importance of keeping a variety of options to keep in touch with students, through regular supervisions and informal chats. Finally, I believe it is important to keep a portfolio of options and strategies to guide students who might be struggling with a particular project.